Claudio Medeiros Sharp
Started his shipbroker career in 1980, accumulating experience in oil tankers, chemicals, general cargoes and roll-on/roll-off. In 1986 joined Interfrete, where he has mainly been acting in the voyage charter and COAs areas.
Mobile: +55 21 9976-2946
  Mario Borges Jr.
Shipbroker since 1967, in the oil tanker and bulk carrier fields. He is part of Interfrete’s staff since 1987, most dedicated to voyage chartering
Mobile: +55 21 9912-7733
  Carlos Cesar Silva Maia
Since he started his career in 1975, worked in many Brazilian companies as Ship Operator. He joined Interfrete in 1987, as Operations Manager.
Mobile: +55 21 9982-0564
Interfrete Transportes & Serviços

Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, 77 - 4th floor
Centro - Rio de Janeiro - 20091-000 - RJ - Brazil
Phone: +55 21 2233-7132
Fax +55 21 2283-3330